I had the pleasure of my youngest grandson's company this past Friday night. I called him my date because my husband had gone out of town and I had made plans to help with my school's senior party that night for about 90 minutes. "Tank" came over a little after 5:00 and after the usual hour or so of getting reacquainted (playing with toys, rolling on the floor, singing and having baby conversations), I loaded him into the car and we headed off to a barbecue place not far from home. I usually don't go out to eat alone, so it was nice to have a baby to chat with. While I waited for my food, I fed him some turkey and carrots (baby food) but he was not interested in those once MY food arrived. So we shared some of the starches (I wasn't aware that he could eat the meat yet ... I was mistaken, as Momma informed me later). Then we headed over to the school for the senior party (see photo). He had a great time, and all the girls oooohed and aaaaahed over him. So did the parents there. He made a great friend in Ms. Crystal, who has a son 1 week older. She got him to giggle with the "attack of the teddy bear." As we were leaving, I passed by one of my athletic students and asked him if he'd like to do some weight lifting. So he picked up the "Tank" who promptly stole this student's "prize" -- a large water bottle! My student laughed and said he could keep it. He had a picture taken by one of his friends, and then we were off to go home. We watched a little "Baby Einstein Lullabye" and then he fell asleep in my big old king-sized bed and slept until -- AHA-- 5:30.
I think he would've rolled back over and gone to sleep, except he realized HE WAS NOT AT HOME. He lifted his head up with a jerk, looked over at me and said something akin to "Hi". (It was more a yelp). So we got up. After changing him, we headed to McDonald's so I could get coffee (my husband always makes it, and I was too lazy to try to do it). We got home and shared some of my McGriddle, plus I made him a waffle, which he scarfed down. Then I put him in his exersaucer. Whoa, Nelly! This device is supposed to anchor them in one place, and they walk around in circles while playing with the little toys attached. 'TANK' was having none of that! This MONSTER baby dragged that thing around like it was a walker on my tile floor! I couldn't believe it. And he loved the freedom! He went exploring -- trying to reach Boppa's mail table, Nee Nee's study table (with very tempting knobs and drawers), and even tried to get into my room (thank goodness for rug!). I let him go at it for awhile, then pulled him out and put him on the floor (rug) to watch him attempt to crawl. First thing he went for were the wires that plug my TV and lamp in! So I moved him, then covered the wires with pillows and baskets of clothes. He was pretty content to play with the bedspread. Finally I put him in the stroller and went for a walk (he was clutching a piece of paper as we left). About 3/4 of the way, I noticed his head sag and when I stopped to check, sure enough, he was sound asleep. So I carefully walked him home (cursing the motorcycle that passed us). I left him in the stroller and did some housework. He woke up about 1/2 hour later and so I packed him up, and took him home. Dear Diary: I even kissed him!