
The photo has nothing to do with this blog, except to show you how cute they are!
Thursday, we set up an inflatable pool in the back for Granddaughter and Grandson#1 to play in. They were having a good time, until I heard a clap of thunder off in the distance. I said, "Everyone out!" They didn't hesistate, but as they were climbing out, Granddaughter asked me why. I tried to think of a quick way to explain eloctroution to her that she would understand, so I said, "The thunder can turn you into a fried egg!"
As the storm got worse, we heard hail. Boppa decided to check on the car out front to see if it was being damaged. Granddaughter shrieked when he opened the door, "Boppa! Don't! You'll turn into a frotten egg!" She had combined the "fried" with "rotten" [which she must have heard at some other time.] So now when we talk about thunder, we'll have to say, "Don't turn into a frotten egg!"
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