Friday, November 01, 2019

Role play?

As the kids get older, they get more interested in trying out other looks. Here are a few of them:

Alicia as Evil Tina in the play She Kills Monsters

Alex as a shrub and Jacob as an evil jester.

Alex, the bush

Jane as William Shakespeare

Alicia as Mary Poppins and Jane as Jane Banks

Alicia as a broken porcelain doll.

Vince as Steve and Jane as Robin from Stranger Things

Jane, not a costume but in a captain's hat

Captain Vincent 

Alicia as a Pink Lady from Grease

Alicia as a steampunk White Rabbit (she won 3rd place for this costume)

Alex, 70s style

Alex as Eminem

Jane as Moana, April as a wolf, Vincent as Ferris Bueller, Jacob as a shadow, Alex as The Scream, Alicia as Chica from Five Nights at Freddy's

Alicia as a vampire sorceress, Alex as a bush, Jacob as an evil jester, Vincent as Garth, April as a wolf, Jane in Steampunk

Alex as Mayor of Enterprise village

Alex --? Nerd???

Alex as NERD

Alex as a tourist