Little Miss Housekeeper

The other day my family was at my mother's to visit with an aunt and uncle who had come to visit from Ohio. My mother keeps her garbage at the end of the kitchen counter, but she also has a recycle bin in the garage. Someone had thrown a plastic bottle into the trash, and Mom had retrieved it and set it next to the garbage sack.
A little while later, Granddaughter came around the corner and stopped in her tracks. She reached down and picked up the bottle, then took a few steps towards us, and with a loud "Ahem!" started thumping the bottle against her hip in an accusatory way. Her aunt and I just cracked up! She looked so grown up, copying what we do when we catch someone doing something we've told them a million times not to do.
We had her put the bottle on the counter (to ease her mind), and she went on her merry way.
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