Friday, October 05, 2007

On the cutting edge

You might notice the avant-garde look this little girl has taken on. She decided sometime this past week to become a beautician and to use herself as a guinea pig.

Yes. Somehow, sometime, she got hold of a pair of safety scissors and proceeded to cut her bangs at school.

Needless to say, her daddy was more than a little unhappy that such an event occurred.

However, if you take a close look, you will see it could have been a lot worse. She actually left some length on the part that she cut (in other words, it didn't go to the hairline), AND she left enough of the rest of her bangs to pretty much cover the damage that she did do.

Usually I am the one who clips her bangs, so I have been usurped. I'm taking it personally.

I think, perhaps, her bangs should grow out anyway so she can tuck them behind her ears (like her grandmother did). You may or may not be able to tell that she has NEVER had the length of her hair cut -- it's pretty much to her butt now. (3 1/2 years). It's getting to be a pain to take care of.

Anyway, if that's the big news for this week, then we are thankful!