The Big Top

Boppa has been waiting for this day for months! It was CIRCUS DAY! We picked up Granddaughter and her big brother from school, with little Grandson in tow, and took off around 4:15 for the 7:30 performance. Boppa wanted to get there early so we could see the animals before the circus, and then participate in the pre-show activities that were held on the circus floor.
When we arrived at the Forum, where the circus was to be held, the cold weather had caused the circus owners to decide not to allow people to see the animals outside. Disappointed, Boppa, kids and I headed into a lobby area to wait inside, out of the cold. Luckily, Boppa had bought a program ($15) so I sat down on the floor and "read" the program to the 4 and 5 year old.
About 20 minutes later, the line opened, and we herded (yes, herded) into our seats. Boppa had gone all out and got us front row seats. As soon as we settled our scarves, hats, and coats in our seats, I took the two little ones out on the floor. Boppa joined us later. The 13 year old stayed in the seats. We watched the clowns juggle and goof around, and Granddaughter even got to try a circus jacket on. We moved down to the other side, where we watched ponies and llamas prance around (they were so excited to learn those were llamas! "I didn't know that!" exclaimed granddaughter). Then -- wait for it -- an elephant was brought out. This particular elephant painted! I put our name in to win the painting (we didn't). The kids were amazed at how large the elephant looked so close up.
Soon we were back in our seats and the show was beginning. The opening act was all the performers in a parade. One clown, dressed in green, saw Granddaughter and blew her a kiss. She sent it right back. We teased her about it and called him her boyfriend. Every time he came by during the night, she'd wave furiously and he'd wave right back. She was thrilled.
We had a great time. Granddaughter was thrilled with the animals, particularly the tigers. Little Grandson loved the acrobats and the motorcycles in the steel cage ball. He also liked the "wild man of Borneo" -- part of the clown act. Big grandson liked the trapeze. Luckily I had warned the two little ones that the trapeze artist might fall, but he had a net under him to catch him, because one DID fall once, and they took it in stride.
It was a pricey night (the snowcones cost $12 each) but well worth it. We'll have to do it in 2 or 3 years and take the others with us.
Labels: circus, grandchildren