Well, she only has a few more hours to be a January baby, so it looks like GRANDDAUGHTER #2 will be a FEBRUARY baby after all. Her mommy is very surprised. Apparently she was quite active today ... maybe she wants a GARNET birthstone rather than amethyst.
Boppa has had the honor of watching and escorting the big brother and big sister around this week. They are excited about their baby sister coming. Wait until they get reality! Granddaughter was only one when grandson was born, so she doesn't remember the chaos he caused! Of course, she probably could sleep through all the hubbub at the time.
2 year old grandson just got a haircut, but I haven't seen it. He always looks like such a little man right after his haircut.
Below you will see the "genius" grandbaby (the baby of the family until granddaughter #2 shows up). It really is funny how he came to have this spoon on his nose. One of his favorite shows is Yo Gabba Gabba and in the DVD I have, the "cool trick" is a boy of about 8 balancing a spoon on his nose. So when we took him to our favorite breakfast place (Cracker Barrel), he grabbed the spoon and immediately held it to his nose like he'd seen on the DVD! And of course because we laughed, he had to do it over and over again. He looks a big sleepy in this photo ... it isn't "lazy eye."
My next entry will probably be when Granddaughter #2 makes her entrance into the world.

"Cool tricks! Cool tricks!"
Boppa has had the honor of watching and escorting the big brother and big sister around this week. They are excited about their baby sister coming. Wait until they get reality! Granddaughter was only one when grandson was born, so she doesn't remember the chaos he caused! Of course, she probably could sleep through all the hubbub at the time.
2 year old grandson just got a haircut, but I haven't seen it. He always looks like such a little man right after his haircut.
Below you will see the "genius" grandbaby (the baby of the family until granddaughter #2 shows up). It really is funny how he came to have this spoon on his nose. One of his favorite shows is Yo Gabba Gabba and in the DVD I have, the "cool trick" is a boy of about 8 balancing a spoon on his nose. So when we took him to our favorite breakfast place (Cracker Barrel), he grabbed the spoon and immediately held it to his nose like he'd seen on the DVD! And of course because we laughed, he had to do it over and over again. He looks a big sleepy in this photo ... it isn't "lazy eye."
My next entry will probably be when Granddaughter #2 makes her entrance into the world.
"Cool tricks! Cool tricks!"