Number Five on the Way

The big news in the family this week was the fact that my daughter-in-law is expecting again. The baby will be due in February. Although the timing is not good for them, we can't help but look forward to another little one to add to the family. However, this breaks the pattern. I've had grandchildren born in 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. This one will be in 2009. I was just thinking the other day that I wouldn't have any in 2008 and really thought that everyone was through! I was thinking of getting rid of the baby stuff I have (high chair, exersaucer, sleepers, etc.). Guess I'll hang on to them after all.
Big sister and Big Brother #2 were very excited. Big Sister got on the phone and announced, "Mommy has a baby in her tummy!" She, of course, wants a sister. Big Brother #2 wants another brother. I guess it will be awhile before we will know.
The photo above shows 3 of the 4 biological grandkids. But of course, you can't discount the steps! So this will make, gulp, eight. Merry Christmas!
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