Happy Camper

This is my daughter's stepson who is six. He lives in Tennessee with his mom, but he comes down and stays with his daddy during the summer. This summer they were fortunate to find a wonderful (and affordable) day camp for him through the city. The only problem was that they had to leave for work by 7 a.m. and the camp didn't open until 7:30. So Boppa and I have been his 1/2 hour "sitters" for the summer (with a couple of exceptions).
When Boppa was able to, he would pick Grandson up on bike (they live about a mile away) and bike him to our house. Then a few minutes before camp opened, they would bike to the center (about 1/2 mile from us). Grandson loved this and was a little trooper about it, peddling away as fast as he could go. Unfortunately there were a few days when Boppa was gone or it was raining that we couldn't do this.
When I took over the pick up, I had him working on a book about his summer to give to his dad when he left to go back to Tennessee. He would tell me something of interest that he'd done and I would find pictures and print them from the computer. Then he would cut and paste them into the book and either he or I would write on the page (it depended on how much we decided to write). I told him next year he had to write it all! He'll be in first grade.
He is leaving Sunday to go home. I know his daddy will miss him. But I hope the book will help him get through the next couple months until Christmas, when he will visit again.
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