One Happy Little Boy!

This is our 18 month old Grandson (well, almost -- next week).
He has turned out to be one happy kid! He laughs and giggles at almost anything. We picked him up from day care early on Friday so we could spend a couple hours with him. He's the one we see the least because he IS in day care. Anyway, he giggled when I showed him my love seat rocks. He giggled when I stacked the blocks up. He giggled when he knocked them down. He was running through the house and stopped and started laughing and pointing. I walked over to see what had amused him so much -- it was a night light and a safety plug on an electric socket. I guess he was taking that as a challenge! I took him outside to play and he was absolutely ecstatic over the bubbles I blew. He even figured out what you were supposed to do and he tried to do it himself (put the wand in the dish of bubble soap and shook it around). Then a cat ran by, and he ran after it giggling (and Nee Nee almost pulled her hamstring jumping up to stop him from crossing the road).
That's not to say he doesn't pout. Twice I told him he couldn't go out (he'd point to the door) and the waterworks were on! Oh, what a pitiful cry.
He knows where the cookie jar is (and says "cookie") and he loves to look at belly buttons and is willing to show his off anytime you'd like! This week, he learned to say "boo-boo" after he fell down and scraped his knee at the park (Dad was on patrol!)
It's so nice to see him like this. I just hope it stays that way. However, only six more months until the TERRIBLE TWOs!
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