Kids say the darndest things!

You probably remember the old Art Linkletter show where he would talk to children and get them to say things that were so funny because of the context. I remember one of my favorites (which I read about, but did not see) was when one kid told him that he was bursting to tell a secret. Art asked him what, and the kid said, "My parents are getting married next week!" That probably blew everyone away at that time!
Anyway, because my older two grandkids are quite verbal now, especially Granddaughter, I thought I would share a few bon mots as they come around. These entries will probably be short and I may add other tidbits. But I wish I had recorded all the cute things my children said as they were growing up. I got a few in their baby books and they still manage to get laughs all these years later!
First entry: We took the two older ones home on Wed. after gymnastics and an afternoon with us. Granddaughter ran into the back room, then stopped short. She turned around and said, "Good job, Mommy!" just like you would say to a child who'd done something you were proud of. I peeked around the corner, and found out my daughter-in-law had thoroughly cleaned up the play area. I guess it must have stunned my granddaughter! LOL
Second entry: A few days before that, I was sharing with my son the fact that Granddaughter had begun kicking me when I was changing her the other day. He said in his most disapproving voice, "Sissy! We don't kick people. We don't kick Nee Nee, we don't kick Boppa, we don't kick anyone." She broke in, "But Daddy. Listen! I didn't kick Boppa. I only kicked Nee Nee!" Now we have a lawyer in our midst!
Third entry: This isn't really about what he said, but what he did. My grandson still has some problems with articulation of certain sounds. It's probably stemmed from having to work around swollen adenoids for the first 2 1/2 years of his life. Anyway, I was having a difficult time understanding what he was asking for one afternoon. Finally he turned to me, and made a gulping sound and held his hands up around his mouth. He was asking for a drink! I thought it was so clever of him to be able to find an alternative to get his message across.
Smart kids.
By the way, the youngest one (in the Yankee hat) has his first tooth break through this week! Yay! (ouch!)
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