State Fair

I've been neglectful in recording my grandchildren's growth in this blog! Life has been extremely busy since I took on graduate school. It seems when I have extra time on the computer, it's to do my assignments for that. But I haven't been neglectful of my grandmotherly duties!
Last weekend, we went with three grandchildren, my daughter and her husband to the state fair. It was the one-year old's first trip. A trip to the zoo the previous week had been a bomb. My daughter said it most likely because he was sick.
But this time, he seemed to enjoy all the animals. I heard my daughter at one time say, "This is cool." We bought food for the grandkids to feed the animals. Mostly the goats were interested. They got to touch the horn of a watusi (cattle) and the fur of an angora goat. They felt the fur of a rabbit (for a milisecond!) and heard the raucous crowing of an unhappy rooster (the older two threw their hands over their ears). This year, there were very few cows. I guess they'd already been judged and taken home. We also heard the neighing of a very ANGRY horse, which scared all the kids (and I wasn't exactly thrilled to hear, either).
Serendipty struck, too! As lunchtime drew near, we found a table on the outside of an eating area that could seat most of us. Two sat with the kids, while the other two got food. Just as we sat to eat, the parade came by! Because we were on the outside, we had a front row seat. The oldest two were thrilled, waving at everyone who came by. Granddaughter even got a promotional frisbee!
As we were leaving, who should we run into but my sister and her husband! Talk about serendipity! A multi-day, well-attended event and we run into relatives! The kids were so excited to share their day with the great aunt and uncle.
We ended up eating strawberry shortcake before we left. Unfortunately, the grandkids decided they didn't want any. But they'd had a share of other stuff, so they weren't really hungry.
All in all it was a fun time.
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