Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Day 10: Vacation

Day spent in Boone's Mill/Rocky Mount, VA

The morning proved to be a bit cooler than it had been, so we sat out on the porch and watched Grandkids play in the yard. Grandson was fascinated with sticks and rocks. Granddaughter went around looking at the flora and the household animals, who were also outside with us.

We took a quick trip to Wal-Mart in Rocky Mount to get some chocolate milk (the only thing they ask for) and a few other snacks for the trip home. Both fell asleep on the way "home", but woke up when we got there.

The afternoon proved to be a great one! Three "cousins" came over to visit: ages 3, 6 and 13. They rode the Tyke car in the house, chased the pets, played Candyland (with some sort of new rules!), and in general got along great! We ended up going to their house a few miles up the road to see the addition that Boppa's niece had put on her house. So they got to go upstairs, and to the basement, and play the piano, and in general cavort on wood floors.

We then headed out for dinner at a seafood place. Both Grandkids started being very whiny and cranky while we waited. I finally got up and told them to follow me. We went outside ... they were startled and wanted to know "Why?" I told them that they were too noisy and were making me sad; we would have to wait outside until the food came. They both calmed right down. I asked them if they wanted to go back in and they said they did. I told them, "You have to be good or we have to come out again." There was little trouble after that. They ate a big helping of fries but, again, that was about it!

They played for awhile with the cousins back at Uncle B.'s house. Then I whisked them into a bubble bath and tucked them in. It took 5 stories, but Grandson finally fell asleep (Granddaughter was out after 1 story). I was able to sneak back into the guest bedroom and get some real sleep.


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