Christmas at Nee Nee's

Because of the various forms of family, my children, spouses and grandchildren celebrate Christmas several times throughout the holidays. Son & his family have Christmas on Christmas Eve with wife's family. But the next day is when most of it happens.
Each family has its own Christmas at their own homes when they first get up. Son has 3 children, Daughter #1 has two children, and Daughter #2 currently has no children at home, but will have two by next year. Then, around 8:00 a.m. they all meet at their father's house and exchange gifts with their little (half) sisters (okay, not so little now). Then around 10:00 they all come to my house and I serve the traditional brunch of "moon eggs" (creamed eggs), toast, hashbrowns, sausage and cinnamon buns. After we eat, we open gifts. At that point, some crash here, some go back home and some go on to my mother's house (about a mile away). Around 3:00 we meet at my mom's and eat again (this year, just finger food) and we exchange gifts again. This year, since two families were leaving to go out of town, a few left early (including me). Usually we stay until around 9 or 10 and play games, particularly cards. I don't like to play cards ... and really don't care for games too much. I pondered why because I used to LOVE to play any games (although I hate to lose). But I realized that it started about the time I started teaching. I think I enjoy just putting my brain in neutral. I have to be on my toes and thinking so much for my job that I rarely have time to just sit and veg. So when I do, I don't want to gear up again. Not that the others don't have challenges in their jobs ... but I just have a hard time relaxing.
So anyway, I kissed the grandkids good-bye because I won't see them again until Jan. 4 (going out of town). But I know they had a good Christmas.
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