The Pitter Patter of Little Feet

We've been pretty brave the last few weeks -- hosting all the grandchildren (available) to us. The three little ones have been over a couple times and today, we had four of the five (the fifth being in Tennessee). The worst part was that 1 Year old Grandson had broken out with Fifth Disease (rash) and was not his usual smiling self. After he fell asleep in my arms (unusual in itself), he slept about 90 minutes. Then when he woke up, he wanted me to hold him (highly unusual). So Boppa mostly took care of the 3 month old and then 10 year old Grandson took care of the 2 year old Granddaughter (when needed, which was mostly putting on her shoes).
But today I found out that #1) I will be getting a 12 year old Grandson and then #2) another bio is on its way! Yes, my #3 child, Daughter #2, is expecting and will be marrying her sweetheart in Mar. or April. Man, I'm racking up the grandkids, aren't I?
But I love it ... and who knows ... this may be it. Daughter #2 says she's only having one. Daughter #1 said she MIGHT have another, but isn't sure. It's quite expensive these days for day care. I just wish I were retired so I could help out. But I have 9 1/2 more years to go!
Well, that's it for Nee Nee's house today. Tune in on Friday after our Christmas Hay Ride!
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